[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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i browsed every thread from page 1 to 87 ama anything


What does it feel like being a virgin loser for your entire life until you die?


I went through some severe image board autism at the start of my internet life. I would read every single thread/every post watch all relevant YouTube videos. It was nice feeling engaged, it's what I imagine wanting to be educated in school should feel like.


I have all the pages of /what/ that go back to 2014.

I've just never released them and made sure they're acceptable to release.


Bullshit you said the data was fine forever from the last time your retarded ass lost everything


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release them unedited to soothe my imageboard autism

all the other boards i used 2 browse are cozily dead
so checking old pages of unseen threads gives the illusion of activity

feels good during that split-second when you nut……


There is a loss of all data between May 2018 and July 2019

That's it though. Everything going back to 2013/2014 I still have, and will be fine unless my house burns down or I die.

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