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got some asian takeaway today
was from this grimy chain noodle place, the type of place where all the windows and benchtops and such are covered in menus and photos of meals and there is little natural light and it's just overall dimly lit, unclean and gross looking with random shit everywhere
so, authentic asian

the server woman had a strong accent, chinese or vietnamise maybe idk
i got the full size noodle bowl for 11.50nz$ and this surly old asian dude starts cooking it up in front of me (the cooking area is opposite the counter) and working the wok like he has 10000 times before
the bowl was so hot that it was still hot 50 or so minutes after cooking

i got the satay chicken, was pretty good for the price, and there was a lot of it, mostly noodles, greasy as fuck but entirely unpretentious


The only noodles at Chinese American food places are Lo Mein

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