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This is so accurate about weeb incels


Yeah it's actually better drawn than most doujins


uhh that's not a weeb incel that's some alt right guy incel fantasizing about a white woman. the Japanese girl on the bench is waiting for her date with the Chad weeaboo.


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It's interesting to see a huge rise in female incels on the internet


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What is this a reference to


this is a desperate alt right poltard who went to SEA to find a wife. He's thinking about some weeb he saw proposing to a Japanese woman, wondering why he can't be like that. He even tried to get into anime to be more like him but it didn't work.


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The funny thing is that if the media wasn't run by retards the alt-right would dry up overnight because everything they do is fucking stupid and they rely on other, even stupider people to make themselves look good by comparison


The media needs them as a Boogeyman you dumb fuck.


You are a schizo


Boogeyman implies they aren't real, which they are. Of course, you could be pedantic and say that they don't identify as such, but then by that logic SJWs also don't exist


You are so fucking stupid, you dumb tranny loser. Boogeyman doesn't mean they don't exist, you retarded low iq fuckwad. It's twisting their image to make them seem more of a threat or danger than they are to feed the victim complex. This is how manipulation works, you disgusting cross dressing freak incel. It works for minority groups to feel they are much bigger and more helpless than they really are. It works also to make yuh give up your rights in fear, line pretending terrorists are a serious threat and you're going to be killed by them unless you give up your rights with Patriot acts. You dumb moronic mouth breather. It's what they're trying to do with Iran now.

You are so dumb.


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Looks like I hit a nerve without even meaning to lol.

I'm not a tranny, the news can't manipulate me because I don't watch it, and you don't know what words mean.

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