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Whatnot that Japanese Latina girl won't stop messaging me it's crazy like she's open about everything it's weird. I dunt think she's that good looking and her crazy constant messaging is annoying and unattractive. Allah she looks like my sister or AOC


Line she's literally sending me voice clips every few minutes and her ig is full of her whole Japanese family for Christmas and she tells me I should be part of it


She just told me I could watch porn to go to sleep when I said I can't sleep. It's weird cuz none of the Japanese students would talk that bluntly


But I guess it's different since they're friends we all hangout together and she's flirting with me


She just ask me if I've seen it and I said well yeah


She looks WAY too much like my sister I'm not feeling it

But the way she's acting is like I can come live with her in Japan when I graduate


She tells me teacher in Japan is horrible pay and boring and told me to get a better job

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