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The blackpill, and for that matter the redpill, offers the comfort and assurance of knowledge, certainty of hopelessness, to those who cannot face the true terror that they do not even know whether or not the ride will ever end. That they dont understand whats happening well enough to understand whats wrong, why things are like this, and nobody else does either.
I dont hate incels or think they're evil for using mysoginy as a coping mechanism. I get it. The truth is worse.


Ok incel


The book of Ecclesiastes covers the black pill, read it pussy


God isnt real and hard materialism is correct.


Read it you stupid virgin


Christfag retard


You will die without ever holding a female hand🤭🤭🤭😳😳😳


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peanuts, despite mostly being a comic series known for le cute funny dog is essentially a series where every female character besides peppermint patty is evidence for the blackpill argument


Hahaha Holly shit these would be banned and the Creator crucified to death if this came out today


Tarzanboy is that u


literally hugged a girl a few days ago


What did she smell like


you have to just imagine the smell

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