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If this movie came out today the Chan incels would be crying about how soy it is and how it's girl power feminist propaganda. It just shows how radicalized they have become in the past five years


What were the reactions toward the latest Charlie's Angels and Atomic Blonde movies?
Those are female-fronted action movies from recently. How were they received?


what you see is actually bad movies by a dying film industry, long overdue from it's peak years, being politicized by fascists to push people into believing narratives about jews and etc.


it is girl power feminist propaganda


Personally, I always despised Charlie's Angels, even as a kid. It baffled me how stupid they were – their gaudy clothing and nonexistent critical thinking skills – that, despite being secret agents or whatever, they couldn't behave like the role they assumed because of their feminimity. It's astonishing how retarded women are depicted as in older pop media. Even among women themselves, women were of low regard.


Its also being politicized by the film industry.
Im not /pol9k/, but its not hard to see that. Like that comic by some /man/ about how women should treat a man not enjoying one of the disney star wars as a 'red flag'. That was the intended effect on the part of the studios.


What comic


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What about "I haven't seen it and have no desire to"?


I thought the Canto blight was really boring


I dont remember much about it except that it was like star wars if it was mass market disney shit that didnt leave me with much to remember it by.
But in making it they did just enough to vaugely imply some notion of harry potter neoliberal progressivism that people politicized disliking the movie.
Movie studios really do "push a progressive agenda", but its not about le j00z illuminati overlord mind control schizo crap. That ghostbusters movie is another example.
It doesnt mean that having more than one skintone in the cast or depicting women as humans is bad, but thats not what they do in these cases. They put in big gaudy signifiers. LOOK AT US, THE PROTAGONISTS ARE A WOMAN AND A BLACK MAN, BUY TICKETS NOW TO END RACISM! WE EVEN PUT HILLARY IN THE MOVIE
To someone whos neither a paranoid /pol/ack or a hysterical millenial it just reads as desperation by a decaying industry.


> but its not about le j00z illuminati overlord mind control schizo crap.

It literally is though


Also what you're saying about race and gender being forced really isn't true for the Disney Star wars. I hate to say it but you're a racist sexist


Also I love how you try not to be associated with pol and x when that's literally what you are.

>uhh like there's a conspiracy but if I say it like this I'm not the same as them

>Uh like I'm not racist or anything but Finn being black like really bothers me it's so forced like why would a black guy fit for the character it literally makes no sense btw as long as I point out an extreme poltard straw man or paranoid schizo character that doesn't exist that means I'm level headed and totally different

Just fucking admit you think the same way bro


Nah, its not just the fact that the protagonist is a black guy and a girl. Get out was a good movie with a black guy protagonist, ABOUT social issues like that.
Its all the little focus grouped decisions that add up, that you have to interpret in the cultural context of 2010s internet hysteria.
Like, its not about the fact that po(?? was it fin? I cant remember.) was a black man and rey was a woman its that thats basically the only things I remember about them after the movie. Its about the fact that the baddies were made to more explicitly resemble nazis than in other star wars, in an era of social media freakouts over autistic kids on 4chan. And their 'vader' was a skinny white boy with anger issues. Its about how they added a miserable condescending old politician who was a woman, who everyone disliked, but then at the end it was some dumb lesson about how she was doing what was best for everyone all along.
And again, its that the movie made sure I remembered this shit, but If you asked me what darth incels actually believed in or wanted I draw a blank.


Pandering to an audience and taking advantage of outrage from other audiences isnt a conspiracy its just normal corporate marketing dumbass.


Progressives who arent retards have a word for this btw, its called 'wokewashing'.



> Movie studios really do "push a progressive agenda",
>it's just corporate pandering

Nice save bro


>nuh uh you dont believe what you say you do you're just lying you believe what I say you do I win LOLE
"Pushing a progressive agenda" is in scarequotes for a reason. The point is that theres a kernel of truth even though not all of what that sounds like it implies is true. Or, most of it isnt.


why the FUCK are you retards still consuming western media??


damn, so modern day fascist theory is based on comic strips… no wonder it seems so plastic to anyone who thinks




Because consuming media based on its place of origin is an insanely autistic and limiting thing to do. And I'm saying this as someone who lives pretty much exclusively on a diet of doujinshi and vocaloid music


>dying film industry
Modern American movies make fucktons of money though. That statement makes zero sense


video games vastly overtake it


That's less the film industry dying and more games simply being a more profitable medium. They cost less to make, can be much more heavily monetized, and are significantly harder to pirate.

Also, games and movies aren't really competing with eachother. Movies make just as much money now as they ever have.

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