Impeachment != removal from office
Just means the house pressed charges against you and now you go to trial in the senate.
>>7054Spoiler: The senate will vote to do nothing, he won't be removed from office, nothing will happen
This is just a childish lash out from the leftists in the house.
Ah yes, the HOUSE voted to remove him, but unless the senate approves, he ain't going nowhere.
And just a quick warning, y'all would better hope Trump doesn't actually go anywhere, because you wanna know what happens when a president gets impeached? The vice president takes over. And you wanna know who the vice president is? Mike Pence. That guy has absolutely 0 progressivism on him. He's fully a traditionalist and has some very anti-LGBT believes. Donald Trump has done more than enough to please you libtards yet all you do is complain. All your complaining will do is get someone even worse in office.
>>7059Yeah pretty much. But that isn't even gonna happen retard
>>7079Based, fuck sand niggars
>>7055I think the abuse of power charge is going nowhere and he'll absolutely be acquitted of that.
I think the obstruction of congress charge might actually go somewhere, but I don't know if it will remove him from office early.
>>7059Why are you arguing with people who aren't here?