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>Why yes – I believe in God, miracles, and Santa Clause. But not radiometric dating or phony "science" (the methodology we use to discern objective and observable reality). How could you tell?


Statistical sampling isn't real science and is not a correct way to make objective analysis.


would you marry a christfag yui


I'd impregnate her ass and then ditch her.


science is flawed because its based on our perception of reality which could be false


You've highlighted nothing here: science is literally only about documenting our observations, it's "objective" to the fullest extent that our own humanly observation allows, this is by default.


thanks but i already knew i was right


How can anything be flawed if it does exactly what it intended to do though?
I think you just expected too much from science to begin with tbh.


maybe so, im just reacting to people who act like something is undeniably true because they were told so

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