[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1575943772465.png (268.28 KB,750x1334,EC9EBC9F-D802-4CF3-A717-47….png) iqdb


What do I say


File: 1575944215976.png (303.76 KB,750x1334,DA493729-B559-4E1D-9FDF-10….png) iqdb

Holly shit what a racist bitch. Should I tell her I'm Half pajeet


File: 1575945827056.png (1.24 MB,750x1334,67EEAF7A-E9A0-4430-921A-90….png) iqdb

She liked the cringe gif I sent what now


File: 1575947637883.png (768.02 KB,750x1334,FBCE78F8-BAE5-4E03-8536-66….png) iqdb

This qt sent me a heart now what


Do you sleep with these women or what is your objective


I'm too autistic to go that far. I mean that's the objective if I can meet irl and talk like a normie


Ask her if she wants to go see a movie with you, then go take her to a porn theater.


Sigh I really am a modern Travis bickle


Say oo lala, that always works

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]