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Whatnot I'm really sick

Should I have obeyed our Jewish banker masters and gotten a flu shot


flu shots are free, what do the jews have to gain


Poison your brain


ever heard about vitamin C, pal?


I don't have any more😭😭😭😭


how does that make them money


It's about maintaining control


it's easier to maintain control of sick people


the flu lasts like a week retard, the biological alterations can last a lfietime especially if a mother takes it then gets preganatn

why do you think autism only exists in america and not japan


because it's a made-up non-illness that only Americans diagnose?


also they have flu shots in japan lmao


Flu shot is useless. They're not effective and can make you sick.

People have gotten Guillain-Barre syndrome from flu shots and become permanently paralyzed in their face.

Even the CDC which is the most pro-vaccine propaganda organization on Earth acknowledges this, they just tell you the chance is very small. It's not like they know the actual chance, when someone has ANY medical issue from a vaccine, when they go back to the doctor the doctor will refuse to acknowledge that it was caused by vaccine.

You can't even sue vaccine manufacturers, since the 80s in America they're immune to lawsuits, you have to go through the US vaccine court instead. There's essentially no warranty or liability for vaccines.

When you walk out of that office after your child gets a vaccine, and they start having a high fever or seizures which cause brain damage, then fuck you, you get no help, there is no liability on the doctor, they will deny it's a vaccine reaction. Enjoy your retarded brain damaged kid who will get an "autism" diagnosis, and an entire brainwashed pro-vaccine society making fun of you.


.0001% of kids getting some weird syndrome nobody's heard of vs 10% of kids getting polio



Polio vaccine is fine.

Right now kids are supposed to get 21 different vaccines, several different times, and multiple vaccines in one visit.

Some of them have bad reactions leading to high fevers, brain swelling, and seizures, causing brain damage and hence the "autism" diagnosis because autism is just the new medical umbrella term that covers retard.

When boomers were growing up, they got like 3 vaccines total.

Kids today get Hep B vaccine literally hours after birth, whether the mother has Hep B or not, and it's completely useless if the mother doesn't have Hep B.


Also I'm specifically talking about Gullian-Barre syndrome from flu vaccines.

The fucking flu vaccine. Imagine having permanent nerve damage in parts of your body over that. Flu vaccines don't even actually work, and the flu doesn't matter unless you're 80 or have AIDS.


you can just as easily get GB syndrome from the actual flu, probably more easily


the only thing causing autism is retarded foids having kids in their 30s and 40s


How do i get better I think I'm gonna ask the Japanese girls for miso soup


notice whatmin stopped arguing here, I bet he didn't even know you could get it from flu, he just thought it was le ebull vackseens lmaoooooo


Dude I'm really sick with the flu what should I be taking


Never had the flu in my life and never had a flu vaccine.

>Taking a flu vaccine every year that isn't effective at preventing flu anyway

>Not getting the flu vaccine, maybe getting the flu never in your life anyway

Which has higher chance of complications?


>Which has higher chance of complications?
getting the flu has the highest chance of complications. I like how you equate "not being 100% effective" with "being 0% effective"


idk NyQuil or some shit


Stop it I have the flu it's not a big deal


AAAAAAAAAAA more diarrhea


Bullshit you've been sick in your life that's the flu


i haven't got a flu shot since like 5th grade. haven't got sick once with the flu.


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got a flu shot this year
literally felt nothing
didnt get the flu either

if you have bad reactions to vaccine you likely have shit genes


This was me. The last time I got sick was 6th grade. Then I got sick for the first time line fourteen years later when I was 26 but it was just a little cold. Then I didn't get sick till I was homeless. When I was homeless I got sick five times. And line really sick. And I was only homeless for nine months. Lack of sleep really kills your immune system.

But I haven't really gotten sick since I stopped being homeless. I had a little cold for like a day A couple weeks after I did stuff with the zoomer girl but she had the flu.

I got kinda sick 2 weeks ago but my Japanese roommate was really sick with the flu a week ago. So I got whatever he had

If I was still a neet I wouldn't be exposed to all these germs


You literally have brain damage. It's subtle effects that just damage your cognitive ability long term


Coughing up phlegm when will it end


My immune system is getting weak. I'm old and dying now


I just realized I shipped my vitamin c to my old roach apartment FUCK


you lived in Turkey?




The whole "jews are giving people vaccines to maintain control" thing is obvious bullshit:

1) Stupid people are not easy to control. Case in point, the retards who think that vaccines cause autism

2) Jews vaccinate their own kids. I know this because my family is Jewish and I was vaccinated


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>Case in point, the retards who think that vaccines cause autism

Watch this http://fullmeasure.news/news/cover-story/the-vaccination-debate

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