>>5986>>5987where are you getting そそぐ from? 'ついで' means 'opportunity', but it can also have the connotation of "taking the opportunity; while you are at it; on the occasion".
And in japanese she doesnt go 'get it?', she kind of just reiterates 'tsuide' then goes TSU-I-DE!. IE, 'TAKE THE SHOT DUMBASS'
Its still there in the english, its just not much of a pun or anything. Its just a riddle you have to figure out and then theres no punchline after. In japanese it works better, because its a pun between the literal meaning of a word and its use in a weird grammar idiom to mean something more specific(and here, lewd).
The pun isnt all that funny in japanese either though, but maybe thats just because I had to translate it to figure it out. Still, I think her getting aggrivated trying to hammer in the double innuendo at the end is funnier.
Honestly its not really a joke, more like erotic double meaning.