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Why are my search results on Google set to Russian locale? I'm getting Russian videos and wikipedia pages. Is my traffic being routed to Russia somehow?


must be that russian hacker putin


Isn't NSA official policy to misdirect all blame to Russia regardless of content or context? This is a little suspicious.


My Google has turned into many different languages before.

Using my home IP address. Thinks I'm german, Chinese, etc.


Maybe their algorithms want you to experience other cultures. Diversity is strength.


>Diversity is strength.
yes when we all think and act opposite each other and come from paradoxical cultures we are much stronger


It is a bit ironic then that their idea of inclusiveness is only accepting people that tow their political agenda. If you're not left on the political compass you are expunged and excluded from their new mono culture.


we dont tolerate intolerance. fuck off whitey.


Outed yourself tranny


'm omnisexual and have taken HRT but i'm not a transexual. id sooner be a trans than a skinhead nazi anyday.


>using google


good poster


Die freak


rent free


Fuck trannies


when i grow up, i'm gonna have a huge tiddy monster trans gf.


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