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Whamming are AMD video cards better than nigga now


Absolutely not on Windows.

Never buy an AMD card on Windows. Their OpenGL driver is terrible and they don't plan on fixing it.

On Linux they're the best, but still bad with some OpenGL emulators that don't follow spec. NVidia's driver allows you to do stuff you shouldn't, which devs do, and then it doesn't work on AMD mesa. CEMU and yuzu are the only two problems really.


I thought there was something called vulkan noW which makes those emulators as good with amd

What about amd CPUs



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yuzu doesn't have Vulkan support yet, but apparently it will very soon.

I see no reason to buy an AMD GPU on Windows, unless you literally never think you will use an OpenGL program.

>What about amd CPUs

They're great, but really only Ryzen third-gen which greatly increased single-core performance. Ryzen third-gen is the only CPU makes sense to buy right now. When Intel comes out with their next gen and fixes all the hardware vulnerabilities, then things might change, but as of right now, either buy Ryzen 3 or just wait.


Vulkan has like no support and youd be surprised how much better things run in opengl compared to direct x.

Amd is meme tier gpu


>Vulkan has like no support

List of things that use Vulkan on my computer:

- My video player (mpv)
- My image viewer (mpv)
- Any DirectX 11, 10, 9, or 12 game (via DXVK, D9VK, and vkd3d)
- RPCS3 emulator
- Dolphin emulator
- Soon yuzu emulator
- DOOM 2016


Nice job listing mpv twice
Also soon™
Doom 2016 from 3 years ago


I use mpv on my laptop it runs better than cccp

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