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What if d*ni was otamin?


Pretty if it was him


If it was him, there'll be a lot more cp, lolicon, and dick pics posted.


explain Dani to me


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he's an italian and he posts in /ota/. also the /ota/ server is hosted from italy.



He's a spamming, schizo, pedo, homo who spams various image boards all day, everyday.





Prove me wrong then. Anyone who's been on /jp/ board spinoff will tell you the same thing. …


sounds like fun





Correct, actually.


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He's from Norway and the government pays him to be a neet. He buys anime goods from eBay and some times sells there.

He made a name for himself by spamming, mostly posting about mind control or just repeating the admins name.

He has many avatars such as LaLa from to love ru, tomoko, some k-ons, the strike witch girl and many others.

He names his file names with "misc xxxx" starting a year ago. He also has homosexual tendencies and will get triggered by random stuff. Not to be confused with the other schizos.




He is also mentally retarded which is why he gets money. He's like the Chris Chan of the jpsphere


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I can't wait for the d*ni vs maximus battle


ive got ringside seats, might sell them tho


give one to me and my gf pls


no trannies


she is 100% female bro


you cant come


NO trannies




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You now realize all of the people you talk to on imageboards look like this.


I know it makes me wonder why i ever cared about the mean racist hateful shit when they're literally genetic abominations, literal biological jokes played by God


He's creepy looking…

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