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This Death Stranding collector's edition was way bigger than I thought

Pic related it's me getting home from fucking Gamestop


I heard it was boring


cute dress




imagine how many nendos you could get instead of grouse funkopops


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this is backwards

well art books are cool but not fuckin blizzard


Artbooks and OSTs are top tier obviously, beaten only maybe by "statues".

Funko pops being in A tier is a troll, "statues" being low tier is a troll.


seethe more my celshit friend


apparently this girl has the same birthday as me
also got hit in the face and broke her nose at a metal show onetime.


also they're a redditor so we can confirm that >>4335
is all jumbled up.


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I mean OSTs are cool but you can just torrent them it's dumb to buy them


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I just realized that physical objects like games don't matter because when you die you can't bring them with you. The experience is what counts.


Yeah, until you want an album that no one else has bought and ripped before, you dumdum.

I claimed a 1 fucking TB bounty on a private tracker because someone really wanted the Etrian Odyssey IV OST. Never had to worry about ratio ever again until the tracker died (Apollo).


My Redacted account has it's downloading privileges disabled because I lost all my seeding torrents in a hard drive failure.

I've seeded 24/7 on that site for years and never built up positive ratio.

They have no bonus point system, and no freeleech torrents.

There is literally no way for me to get download privileges back on my account unless I uploaded hundreds of torrents basically.

I thought about messaging some mods and telling them my story, and that they could basically just disable my account if they can't help.

By far the most retarded tracker I've seen in regards to this, they severely discourage actually using the tracker, you can't seed because no one wants to even download anything partly because it's impossible to keep ratio on. They need a bonus point system.



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