[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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File: 1572141271230.jpg (7.13 KB,236x204,ok_forweebsite.jpg) iqdb


looks like start-up chan to me
hello fellow start up chan from bernd.group


nope, /what/ is as old as the sands of time


This imageboard has been going since 2013

It's just been reset a few times.


wow why don't yall got no one


About 4,000 posts in a little under 4 months.

There was times when /what/ used to be faster of course.

There was over 40,000 posts on /what/ before the last reset in July (caused by hard drive failure).


unban me whatcelmin


File: 1572189546115.jpg (13.45 KB,182x268,ga.jpg) iqdb

damn thats gay

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]