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Got really heated today at how the low/average IQ masses have their minds and thoughts controlled by the media and big tech.

Biden talks about "unity", and then goes right to talking about exterminating "white supremacy" which is basically a dog whistle for "kill whitey, suppress and censor whitey, import millions of hispanic migrants".


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It's over for you, wh*toid. Trump was a psyop to make white males the most hated people ever. You are literally terrorists and threats now. Mommy Kamala will send you to Guantanamo and re education concentration camps.


Oh and Trump wasn't a dog whistle for kill Muslims, Mexicans and blacks? You're getting a taste of your own medicine. People aren't brainwashed for thinking centuries of white entitlement and racism against minorities is disgusting


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Trump was a dog whistle for "the blacks and hispanics already here are fine, but stop importing them, and let white people exist and continue to exist".


No He wasn't he literally said to ban all Muslims and he told police to beat abuse and kill more blacks and he called Mexicans rapists and thugs you dumb fuck

I'm so happy kamala will fuck your shit up


>No He wasn't he literally said to ban all Muslims

>and he told police to beat abuse and kill more blacks

Literally never did. He's never said or done anything bad to blacks.

>and he called Mexicans rapists and thugs you dumb fuck

He said illegal hispanics have a relatively high rate of being violent criminals.

Impossible to verify statistically either way because they're illegal to begin with but:

1) They already broke the law by crossing the border
2) They're poor and desperate, perfect combination for crime


By your logic biden only said to stop white supremacy. Everyone knows Trump was a dog whistle for racism and now he is gone and the new rulers are coming for you

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