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wharton have you played nocturne? i started it on pcsx2 during the last bullrun when i blew all my money on lsd research chemicals and used to play it while tripping but then my controllers stopped connecting and i got so annoyed and lazy i gave up and didn't finish the game. im thinking of buying it for my soytch so i can lay in bed. idk if i want to play with voices though it might ruin the vibe

\what u think


File: 1611042116526.png (334.06 KB,1064x800,1609338969608.png) iqdb

Idk it took me 2 years to finish Persona 5.

These games are a multi-year commitment to me.

It's usually because I stop playing for months after beating a dungeon because I don't like the inbetween so much.



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