[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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So you may see "500 internal error" when trying to post, and the post failing.

Restarting php-fpm/lighttpd/mariadb fixed it once, but it came back and I have to reboot the server to fix it.

I am looking into what could be causing this and a solution.

TLDR /what/ got fucking hacked and is dead 4sho


sometimes I get 404 when I'm trying to make a post what is it


I have IP address range bans for tor and one person.

You may be getting caught in that.


You and only you, congratulations.


Yeah it's nerdvpn in case you want to ban him for good I don't care.


Thanks for the info I can probably just look up a list of all their addresses.

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]