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why wont anyone be my rfiend


I'll be your rfiend


the only way to get any is to be gay and have a discord :^)


thats the narcissist pettyattle way, just use boys for sex erp and not being a real friend


Anytime anyone ever said "don't be friends with X because Y" they are always the better friends I've had people should stop projecting their awful personalities.


yeah i agree, pettyasal always calls me these horrible things along with most of the jpsphere, they are just projectiing their own toxic personalities onto me, im the best friend anyone could ever have


Anytime anyone ever said "I'm the best friend anyone could have" they're always an overcompensating mentally ill nutjob I've ever had the displeasure of being around.


no one has ever said that to you. i think you are projecting lol


Much did the money whore whatmin ask for to let you spam the place anyway? Is his services cheap?


he wanted dick pics


If I sent him $5 bucks would he make a sticky calling himself a butt pirate?


he might do it if you send him your butt pics


I know he's pathetic but just for ass clap in front of a webcam he'd bend over and let you have at it? I refuse to believe it.


im really hot you would probably be begging for my dick if you saw me IRL


Ok whatever you say cockmunch I just wanted to know my options for degrading and dominating whatmin not your weird ass gay fantasies I don't care how you look.


Sure you don't homo you're so tsun for me but no you can't suck my dick yuropeasant


The fuck? keep yo fag Flyoungred listening ass away from me


apologize nicely and i might let you talk to me more


whatmin is top only…


Yeah, you would know wouldn't you, fag


he's my boytoy, so yeah I would

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