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doesn't cloudfare host 4chan? why aren't they harassing them into banning 4chan?


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the parler campaign worked in a day



He's fucking obsessed. Everything on his twitter holds some relation to politics, Jim Watkins, or destroying imageboards.

He lives for nothing but trying to shit on other people's parades. Everything he has ever done in his pathetic life always, in some way, revolves around some act of petty revenge for being slighted. The weird thing is that he openly acknowledges this about himself, and stated pretty bluntly that his beef with 8ch was over "personal" shit with Jim, and that all the shit he said on CNN was just fluff.

He even tried to get Jim kicked out of PH, and succeeded only in bringing wrath so foul down upon himself that he was the one who had to flee. And the thing is, everyone told him that would happen if he kept fucking with Jim, and to just chill out and move on. But nope, he had to learn the hard way.

And people are yet again telling him to chill out, and that he's going to capture the attention and focus of a bloodlusting Nemesis-figure, and that he'll find himself dead at the bottom of a stairwell if he keeps up his bullshit. But nope, he hasn't learned his lesson.


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rip in advance my dude


if they take down 4chan ill unironically kill myself


honestly it's only a matter of time before 4chan loses its host. when will there be decentralized blockchain based site hosting?

whatmin this is where you realize the importance of blockchain


4chan is reddit at this point though
why do you even use it


it's not retard. 4chan taught me about chainlink and it's still the best place to discuss things. you're just contrarian. if anything 4chan is better now than it was 10 years ago, if you ignore the retarded posters, but you are one.


there is literally proof of mass botting (as too with reddit), so if you still consider it fun going there at least know what the fuck it really is.


what and where? give examples of this


it's shit
remember how people used to joke about 4chan "gold accounts"
careful you dont say anything out of line or the mods will ban you


i guess but where else is there to go. it's still nowhere near reddir


do you want to live in a world where the posters on 4chan and reddit arent bots?


I literally never ever heard about parler until this thing happened. Can anyone give me a quick rundown


Parler is/was a "free speech" twitter clone for right-wing grifters that popped up after they started getting banned from twitter for breaking rules. People enjoyed laughing at it because it banned loli almost immediately.
how did I mess up posting this three times


Thanks. I wonder why don't they just move to mastodon
Or something.


Well they're not hypocrites because they do have only 2 rules

Nothing illegal

No spam


Is that why you like gab? They let you look at cartoon child porn?


Technically, that's sort of what with gab. They hard forked Mastadon, but they were too stupid to properly maintain it, so they merged back upstream, shat up the Fediverse with obnoxious boomers, and were subsequently banned from every other instance.


Hiro probably has enough money to not be booted off.

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