[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1610144296345.jpg (46.07 KB,480x768,5aafa4d5ed7b5d9b8d1943089b….jpg) iqdb


Stop deleting my threads asshole, this is like 6 times now


File: 1610145069120.jpg (132.63 KB,668x1034,1547665406432.jpg) iqdb

Are you talking about threads in the distant past or something?


Shut up fag


File: 1610150944528.jpg (100.22 KB,1920x1080,9c9c2b9.jpg) iqdb

cast him into the fire whatmin


File: 1610155020380.jpg (1022.52 KB,1256x2744,EqjizdUUUAEI_ka.jpg) iqdb

full sized image for those of us posting from a real computer and not a phone




Kind of depressing to remember myself as a kid willing to discard relationships so that I could indulge myself in the short-term pleasure of a commodity.


how long have you been using imageboards exactly


Since 1993

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]