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File: 1610075901825.mp4 (88.42 KB,640x406,1610073757138.mp4) iqdb


Tardmin why haven't they released tp and ww in switch


File: 1610076262254.png (1.05 MB,1920x1080,2017-02-26-160230_1920x108….png) iqdb

Cause they just released it on the Wii U and they think it would make them look bad/greedy.

Even though they did release 3 emulated old mario games for $60 full price on the Swtich.


Why do you emulate the GameCube version


File: 1610077316514.jpg (155.4 KB,810x1147,1590464760313.jpg) iqdb

Because CEMU is a proprietary Windows-centric emulator and I don't like the developer.

Also, as you can see from the date in the filename, I played the game in early 2017 and the state of CEMU wasn't as good anyway.


Holy crap, a proprietary emulator. What an absolute imbecile. Why are pirates and piracy adjacents always the worst copyright trolls?



I don't think you know what a copyright troll is.

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