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incels are what we used to call fucking loser virgin nerds

nobody can be voluntarily celibate


I wouldn't say voluntary or involuntary, Reason being I would like a partner but at the same time i'm not engaging in social actives or events. So i'm neither including myself in the dating pool or getting excluded from it.


look at this mental gynmastics of a virgin nerd loser that cant have sex


what part of it is gymnastics


Incel is a socially acceptable way of saying loser fuckin virgin nerd like literally my professors say it


>nobody can be voluntarily celibate
why not?


That's like saying you are voluntarily starving yourself or never sleeping


no, it isn't


Sex is just as innate and important of a biological need in nature and evolution as sleep and eating


no, you die from not eating/sleeping. you can go on without having sex just fine, therefor there is no NEED to do it.

however, I do agree we do have a natural instinct to reproduce (emphasis on the REPRODUCE part, having sex without reproducing is meaningless)


Not having sex literally shortensyour lifespan and causes health issues.


no it doesn't


Keep telling yourself that


you lose the argument


U lose at life. Do you even know what oxytocin is



cool article that doesn't link to any of the studies


If you Had Sex you wouldn't be so uptight about some internet argument on gay erp site of 4 incels


you're just mad that you lost the argument


Have sex


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Yeah I don't think you will either😬🤭


I won't


Genetic failure. Billions of years of evolution ending with you. Nature rids itself of the genetically inferior it's literal natural selection


where are your children?


I'm not having kids till 2030


I hope things go the way you want


How dare you

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