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Steam launched an official Chinese client.

- Linux usage share gets basically cut in half
- Windows 7 went from 4% to 22%


This just proves that Windows 7 is 18 more percent better than Linux.


Only reason to have win 10 installed is if you want to play sea of thieves


File: 1609677319643.jpg (1.72 MB,2118x3023,1609576018867.jpg) iqdb

Does that use DX12 or something.

DX12 works on Linux too although not nearly as good as DX11 yet.


Its too much work. Why can they make a distro that just works


Valve just removed all those Chinese client users from the statistics.

So they're back to normal now.


Btw, "simplified Chinese" is the language of 47% of all Steam users.

There is more people in China alone than white people on the entire planet.




So the Chinese have been posting here all along…


Same with India and Africa


Apparently yeah it can work if I download a bunch of shit and run it through wine for shit performance

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