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File: 1608626070943.mp4 (12.82 MB,1280x720,S U B W A Y S - アイスクリーム.mp4) iqdb


Hyouka aired the first season of anime I watched in spring 2012.

I watched the entire show but would say it was bad, boring.

If only I knew how bad anime would really get, we didn't appreciate Kyoani of that era until it was gone. The director died in that fire too.


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This show may be the weakest from that era. Their golden era was a whole 6 years before that and probably ended with Free!(2013). i believe Sound! Euphonium (2015) is their best show, it's most polished, finished thing they have done that doesn't run alone off a weeb moe power (k-on,lucky *, haruhi.)

Their shows the last 4 years have been so driverless that they only just look pretty if anything. It was hard for me to watch Violet Evergrarden, like a studio doing itself out of perpetual motion.

Unfortunately their fans are nutcases, and that genre style is dead.



I had no clue Free was that old, I hated that gay fujoshit and resented Kyoani for it.

Haruhi/K-on/Kanon/Lucky Star era was the best but I feel similar about ~2010-2013 Hyouka, Nichijou, and Chuunibyou.


Can you actually explain how it got worse?

Isn't this a matter of you personally not enjoying anime anymore rather than it becoming objectively worse?


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It objectively did get worse on average.

If you go back to ~2005 and look at a specific season, you'll notice not much anime.

There wasn't nearly as many studios making the equivalent of anime shovelware.

It's not that there isn't a few good anime still released occasionally, it's that for years it's been overrun by studios making low-quality low-effort shovelware anime.


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There was plenty of garbage being made back then too, if anything purely from a technical standpoint the average show quality probably increased.

>There wasn't nearly as many studios making the equivalent of anime shovelware.

So simply don't watch it? If more anime is being made that means by extension there's bound to be more of something that you'll like. Having choice is a good thing.

Like, these are the tv shows of winter season of 2005, so we've got uhhhh air, negima, megami sama, and a bunch of eroge adaptations/comedy harems/mecha no one even heard about let alone watched.


Ignoring the literal toddler cartoons that don't even count as anime, there's only 16 anime that season.

And look at the fucking soul on most of them.


>And look at the fucking soul on most of them.


Sorry, don't post me on your cringe collection subreddit or discord please.


I agree there's always been fodder for the braindead shonen audience, but I feel like, by the same criteria an audience might evaluate a '10 show, the quality is arguably less, just due to studios' reliance on cg and dramatically dwindling budgets. Not a perfect example, but look at the original FLCL versus the new one, although I don't know if there's a difference in which studios produced which seasons.

I wouldn't say the affect of anime has gone down, though. It just speaks to shifting values in what the audience is receptive to, along with shifting methods to make things more economic. You can still approach art creatively even if the methods are different, and you can approach it lazily and sell it to retards on Crunchyroll.


im glad im still retarded enough to enjoy anime as much as i did in my teens, must suck being a nofun boomer whining about good old dadnime.


You say this as a gloat but I can't enjoy anything my dopamine serotonin receptors are fried


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