[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1607916001279.webm (2.94 MB,457x700,1607915912939.webm) iqdb


>hey Anon I need to scan this document can I use your printer?
>yeah sure
>the printer save the scanned document to user/documents
>She can't see shit and click on private documents
>she saw all my porn and the cantonese drawings,
>she saw all my widowmaker porn
>she now thinks I have a purple skin fetish,
>Anon why can't you have normal porn what the fuck it's this shit?
>she it's now crying because I am 25 and never had a gf
Send help


File: 1607927316258.jpg (125.15 KB,1280x720,maxresdefault.jpg) iqdb

just explain to her that you're a degenerate whose mind has been warped by internet exposure through adolescence


i wish dahyun was my mom


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