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Wharton's I'm scared I don't want to live in America anymore this is just the preview


Oh look they found the only video in existence of Trump supporters being the violent ones for once.




Graphic video: https://twitter.com/i/status/1337955621568561152

Sacramento has a pretty strong contingent of Proud Boys but since most of them were in DC it was mostly the right-wing larpers who came out with only a handful of Proud Boys. They were heavily outnumbered by Antifa.

More videos in this twitter thread: https://twitter.com/SRodd_CPR/status/1337953801970466816



why can't you post good things why does it have to be fucking twitter, politics and rampant schizophrenia


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You're gaslighting me. I make most of the threads here and 80percent aren't what u say u just pretend only the ones you don't like are mine

Toxic az whole



Holy fuck why would they do that


I'm not gonna kill myself because I'm scared of that you are a psycho


This is the worst thing anyone has ever said to me please take it back


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your name is "kill whatmin"
what did you expect


Wharton's this guys really hurtful


Ban this sociopath whatmins


Make him stop Wharton


Did you know people can delete their own posts?


I sure love this fucking feature that bumps the thread back after I delete my saged reply


did you really delete the post that tells the spammer to kys


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fuck you whatmin you deserve what is coming to you


What'd I do this time?


you misunderstood them

"(I want to) fuck you whatmin you deserve what is coming to you( a big fat smooch)"


very ii ne post (´・ω・`)
i didn't think there were many niceposting whatfriends left.


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