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File: 1607455473867-0.mp4 (9.54 MB,1280x720,i795c3.mp4) iqdb [play once] [loop]


whatmin do you watch vtubers?


delete this smut what-min!!!!


that must be her brother


Most asmr porn is so shit, its infuriating!


File: 1607464476286-0.webm (47.08 MB,852x480,_配信切り忘れ__玲奈のオ_ニー動画流出__R18….webm) iqdb [play once] [loop]

Not true, there's a lot of great ASMR porn.
For example >>10376
You probably listen to some western garbage.


Well yeah, but I also cant understand japanese so it all sounds like random noise


whatmin ban this EOP


Rydw I yn gallu siarad cymraeg hefyd


File: 1607466234501-0.jpg (166.77 KB,1280x720,【限定✨耳舐め】ぴゅあなシスターはLカップ♡大好きな….jpg) iqdb

You don't really need to know moon to enjoy them, and there are some EOP friendly works with barely any talking.
Just learn this: https://pastebin.com/RYmU6pLH


whatmin ban this EWOP


wait did you say whatmin couldn't learn japanese? that's embarrassing man


It is not. Japanese is a hard language for wecterners. If you think you just passed level one in duolingo for japanese and you suddenly think you know it, you are sorely mistaken (I see this phenomenom on the net a lot)
t. man traveling towards 50k kanji (currently around 4200 something)


You can't even spell a word correctly.

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