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Think fast /what/!



uhm, you're supposed to remove the pin before throwing it….


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*catches it, removes pin and tosses back*
nothing personal, foid


Why are weebs obsessed with bananas?


The call-out of that location on the map is called banana, from map view it looks like a big crescent or… a banana


No you eternal n00b it's a fairly recent name the place is called banana because in the css version of the game that bombsite had stacks of crates filled with bananas.


What came first the chicken or the egg


The chicken. Eggs can't have orgasms.


Well my point is the shape of the banana on map was built first, and the yellow car and crates were details added later to accent it


Ackchyually, *pushes glasses up nose* since we're talking etymology here, it doesn't matter whether the map designer put the bend in first or put the crates of bananyas down first. The only thing that matters is when and why the players started calling it the "banana" - a sociological phenomenon - this is completely independent of the technical map-making process.


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Not a counterpoint.


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im not trying to reply to this tangent, you refute my point about the map shape being the reason, then say its the crates, then say it doesnt matter which, but say why people call it banana? because it looks like a fucking banana dude so they call it banana


wwwwww I'm not the same person!!!

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