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Why did the end have to be so embarrassing?

At this point do you wish he had just conceded? Or do you think there's still some political or financial benefit?

>inb4 trust the plan/release the Kraken

You poor, delusional bastards.


Rudy Gulani needs to fake being a retard so the democrat crime family mafia lets down their guard and that's when he strikes. Do you know nothing about good scriptwriting? This election is like the Marvel Cinematic universe!


File: 1606286024620.png (1.73 MB,852x1205,1507891874907.png) iqdb

Well there was actually voter fraud of an unknown scale.

The purpose of this lawsuit should be:

1) Confirm that fraud happened so retards who seriously think there wasn't a single fraudulent vote can shut up.

2) Fix and secure the election system for future elections.


What min you live in new Jersey you should bet on trump. Odds are 35-1 right now


There is literally a 0% chance they change the election result and give Trump the win.

Those betting odds are 100% fools trading to greater fools in a game of musical chairs waiting for the music to stop.


Retard if there is proof of fraud the sc straight up cancels the election

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