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What should I buy during the Steam summer sale?

Killer 7
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet
Gal Gun
Ys games
Star Ocean the Last Hope
Little Witch Academia
Heart & Slash


I bought Gal Gun when it came out for 40$ and played it for like 2 hours.

Bloodstained or Witch looks best but gameplay looks boring

Rest of these pretty trash unless you like art style


Can you gift me the Dreamcast collection or Dead space please


While you are at it give me Nier too please kudasai


You can get $5 for free by just playing games.

Make sure you join team Corgi.


I looked at that page for 10mins and didn't get it I must be retarded.

How do I get tokens for badge


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I actually don't understand it at all either.

It's pretty retarded.



We're talking about this in case anyone is wondering.


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buy a length of rope and hang yourself


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What the fuck is your problem?


I have depression and project it onto others




Would you like to talk about it?

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