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cute girl


Her name is Pico.


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sighhh i remember getting ice cream together with my bf….
i miss him…


I haven't encountered a cuteboi since the start of this stupid coof scare I'm starting to think they don't exist anymore now. We're all BFless now…



They're incubating. When all the zoomers come out of their house they'll be socially rarted and emotionally unbalanced, and then they'll become troons as a consequence of their misattributing their disfunction to dysphoria rather than the consequence of social ineptitude.


Huh!? I just want a cuteboi to come out of his hiding hole so I have someone to watch and compliment my grilling…


When you're are to rart to be smart
When you want to be a cuteboy but don't pass, so you get breast implants
when you hate your pingas

Brush up on your lingo, boyo.


evidently zoomie


Do you grill zucchini and diced potatoes those are my favorite


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>and here is two scoops for the pretty girl!


Definitely that stuff is easy and good a nice snack for cutebois.
Do I have too?

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