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What the fuck? Steam told me that this was a good game for beginners. I can't even get the inputs right consistently with a controller. I've put like an hour in, and I can't even beat the tutorial. I'm stuck at the blocking tutorial, because I can't consistently block three consecutive combos. I just can't react fast enough to the overhead attacks.

Am I just rarted? Do I need one of those special controllers? How the fuck do I get into fighting games?


Is this skull girls?


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But really skull girls is just a dumbed down blazeblue guilty gear tribute, these two games are deemed the hardest by most fighting game players and only like turbo nerd koreans and japanese score well at tournaments.

Skull girls is kinda like a party game of this version for more sexy characters to bait newer players in. It's still just as difficult as bb(blaze blue) or gg(guilty gear)

You never really need a special controller for anything unless you feel more comfortable with something else but that's all personal preference.

If you want like a true beginners game play like smash or tekken. Skull girls pretty weeby and fast paced you'll have to put in noticeable time to be decent at it. Your muscle memory is probably tard but that can be fixed easily.


Americans do well in GG. Mostly Afmerican and Japanese immigrants though


Oh fug, I didn't even realize we were approaching the 30000GET. I feel bad, now.

So, basically, play Tekken and grind in Skull Girls until I get good. Got it. Is there a fighter game where the AI is deemed good? I get that you're only ever going to get challenged when you play online, but I just don't like playing with other people and being humiliated for hours on end.


where's the >>29999 then


I deleted it because I wanted to post another image.


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Afmericans are the ultimate weebs

Um not necessarily, most games have a story mode so you should feel comfortable beating that. Otherwise just use practice dummy for mastering combo or labing situations or moves till you figure out how to block or punish appropriately.

At low ranks online is just whoever executes full combo better as both parties tend to spam buttons till k/o. If you playing skullgirls online in 2020 you only going to play against really long time players haha.


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If you want to play anime fighters I'd stay away from Tekken, the skills you'll learn from playing a 3D fighter like that probably won't translate very well to a 2D fighter like Melty Blood or Skullgirls.
If you want a good 2D fighter for beginners I'd play Under Night In-Birth, it's from the guys that made Melty Blood and has a pretty in-depth tutorial for the system mechanics as well as the individual characters. It also has auto-combos if you're too lazy to practice BnBs.
For a challenging single player mode I'd suggest the Abyss mode from BlazBlue, the AI isn't too smart but it gets buffed by getting overpowered versions of the characters.
If you just want a super easy beginner friendly fighting game try Fantasy Strike, it's specifically tailored for beginners and the controls are super simplistic but the game itself still has a lot of depth on higher levels of play.
If you want something completely braindead try Divekick.

There's also a ton of wikis and discord servers for fighting games that can help you get started.

Overall Arcsys has been trying to appeal to the casual crowd lately, most of their recent games are pretty beginner friendly with tons of tutorials, auto-combos and other mechanics that make them easier to play for beginners. If you want someone to play with I own almost every fighting game released on steam so just let me know.


I still think skullgirls look ugly as hell.


I don't know if it works in wine, so I'll refrain from buying Under Night unless there's a good sale. But, I appreciate the advice. I guess I'll just have to experiment.


I think Fantasy Strike should run on wine and the base game is free on steam. It's a good starting point if you have no idea how to play fighting games!


Thank you, anon. You've been so kind and helpful!


Do you have a bluetooth keyboard? If it's a matter of precise timing or something, wireless inputs will have input lag.


I usually play with an arcade stick but maybe you're messing up your input somehow, just memorize the animation for the overhead and when you see it switch from down blocking to walking backwards. The timing for overheads is pretty lenient so you should be able to block it that way on reaction.


How's Arcana Heart? I barely hear it mentioned anymore.


I'm pretty sure I'm just retarded and have slow reflexes.

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