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can you asian squat?
im 191cm european and can in fact asian squat
i cant remember when exactly i started doing it and wouldn't consider myself particularly athletic but reasonably flexible

i do it a lot at work as it can be easier on the back than kneeling down or semi-squatting/sitting on foot but sometimes feel awkward because no one else does it except for asian migrants


squatting is natural, humans were never made to sit in chairs. you should also do leg stretches to help flexibilty


What's the difference between this and a slav squat? I squat often when I'm on a little adventure because there aren't always nice places to sit.


I can't squat since my surgery


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keep stretching


Sure, but the pic on the right takes some flexibility. In fact, I do that kind of squat as part of my passive stretch routine.

That's like saying that humans are meant to run. You're right, but that doesn't mean that running isn't a high-impact sport.


I can do the right one and I get literally zero exercise.


running isn't a high impact sport if you have a high stride per minute and correct forestrike form


Don't just say things that are blatantly untrue.


I stopped going to physical therapy months ago and now my bone is healed and stiff I'm fucked for the rest of my life


just did my daily stretches now im all limber for sleep

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