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Should I go see joker alone


Are cute girls a fantasy or do they really exist? everyone irl is fat and mean


Move out of your small hick town


girls in cities are all sloots


Good that means you can fuck a lot of them easy


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why the fuck did i get a two week ban for this?


yeah im scared i feel like the person ripping my ticket or selling it will act weird to me not to mention people in the theater being scared of a loner male


It's just a dumb /r9k/ meme. No one will actually care if you go see a movie alone.


The theater was packed sold out


Freaking 1030 pm on a Tuesday


They'll still judge you if you look like a 'weird loser loner' type, but they wont be overt about it. Just quietly look down on you, make fun of you to their friends at worst. It wont usually slip through so obviously that you notice it. Just avoid interacting with them and it'll be fine.
If you make yourself /look/ presentable, noone will know you're a weird NEET and thus be unable to be judgmental shits, if you still care what others think.


Guess I’ll buy the tickets online for when i go

Maybe i can get the zoomer girl to go with me so i don’t look creepy


Yeah but man the theater was packed like a Friday night with norms and couples
The girl at the counter was nice tho. She didn’t talk to me like I’m weird


just watch the camrip


nah i already got the big shock scene spoiled rather watch it in theaters

gonna text the zoomer girl she randomly texted me at 2 am the other night and invited me to her dorm after she told me her bf dumped her but i didnt go cuz i thought her roommate was there which she later told me she wasn't but i was still too anxiety to have sex with her anyway i think i should get drunk with her then i can probably fuck her without being scared


Why is this asshat back, whatmin




Ban him whatmon.


ice this fucking norm whatman


Stop I’m an incel



What a loser! lol


I still haven't seen is badge I'm literally addicted to show


Uh losers are cool here



Keep telling yourself that


I saw it and was disappointed


I saw it with my Norm friends on a Friday night and people were laughing when joker laughed and all shocked when he killed rubber Denaro at the end. They all clapped too. I took too much CBD oil before and was high and thinking negative thoughts during the movie and it made me cynical and not liking it

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