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Whatmin you were right about everything. Varappi was lying about being rich, Dani is an unironic lolcow, and if you had a job you could get a girlfriend. You were right about my Japanese roommate, he said being an otaku isn't shameful in Japan, but he just doesn't really know anyone that is and isn't interested in the culture so he doesn't know much about anime or video games.

I'll never doubt you again, please unban me and be my friend


idk man, you have to be a pretty awful poster for whatmin to actually ban you


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You guys used peer pressure and manipulation to get him to.


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i have a job but no gf
i dont think it actually makes any difference


Don't do it whatmin, he'll only shit up the board again.


If whatmin was right his ban would be correct


It doesn't if the job isn't paying you so much you can't spend it all without being obnoxiously consumerist.

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