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GitHub deleted my account because it was associated with a cockmail account. I had tons of old projects, too. Yeah, fuck that, and fuck everyone who forces you to use their service just to get bug reports in.


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Was it before or after Microsoft bought github?


The actual problem is losing hundreds of bug reports filled with useful info.

And a centralized place for people to discuss and workaround problems when a site breaks, which happens quite often with youtube-dl


After. Although I don't know how much of that really has to do with MS. At some point, people just associated cockli with spam, even though gmail's not really better. The only big difference, obviously, is that cockli represents a minority of people, so they're easier to ostracize and get away with it.

GitHub hosted copyleft software, but they weren't copyleft themselves, so they owned the platform. Even before the buyout, I feel like people should have understood that the platform could be owned by anyone. I would say the free software people did, because they see things more in terms of ethics. That's how you anticipate things like this: you think about what's logically feasible and treat it as inevitable. That's how the fsf basically anticipated the Snowden leaks.

If GitHub weren't the de facto standard for git repos, I don't think a DMCA would have been a big deal. Monopolies have a way of fabricating issues that ultimately trickle down and hurt minorities the most. Like how sanctions against social media sometimes remove protections that benefit smaller social media services.

For some software, bug reports are basically impromptu user manuals.


girl is literally a 3/10 you are literally into ugly girls i can't imagine what you look like


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Actually 2/10 her elbows are too pointy


I honestly thought that was a male I miss the days when men stayed men


It's a biological woman whatnot is just in the closet and this is how he chooses to stay in denial


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Github just brought back the youtube-dl repo, and setup a $1 million dollar legal defense fund to protect developers against bogus DMCA claims.


Eff GitHub, but that's probably the most ideal reaction to the issue. Ideally, that DMCA wouldn't have gone through in the first place. DMCAs would have been explicitly vetted in the first place, rather than issued by an automated system that inevitably would be abused by copyright fiends. To say they couldn't anticipate such an outcome, you'd have to be an idiot.

Services like NotABug and NonGNU wouldn't have this issue, because they're much more preemptively scrupulous about the proper and explicit licensing of their projects.

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