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tardmin i thin you were right covid was a scam to get trump out and a test run, the real pandemic will be a false flag bioterror attack that will literally kill millions not be a meme flu this was a two birds one stone get rid of trumf and test out response and curfew and lockdowns for hte real takeover


The real bioweapon is going to be the vaccine and as for lockdowns they've already started. They won't lift any restrictions until everyone takes the vaccine.


i think im gonna use my crypto to move to montana or some shit where there is no lockdown in the middle of nowhere. living in the city is retarded in the 20s, a NWO hell hole of rioting and martial law probably wont be present in rural states where no one lives


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>i think im gonna use my crypto to move to montana o

You'll be the only black guy in Montana though.


There is no point in moving anywhere. The globalists will get to you.


ngl that's why im scared to. also my mixed race look means i could be a muhammed and they will think im a terrorist. only good about the city is i blend in

if i wasn't a retard and bought 400k link when varappi told me to and i had athe money i would be a retired millionaire and just go to another country like panama or somehting



bill gates himself said this was phase 1 of his master plan and pandemic 2 will be phase 2 and he laughed as he said he will kill millions and everyone will take it seriously and he even says he is going to false flag it as a bioterror attack to kill more and freak people out more with lockdowns and danger

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