>>29033those taxes go towards making the rich richer and blowing up brown people for oil you commie retard
also the guy in the op isn't even black he's latino
>>29033Either one of the vice presidents is going to replace the elected president. Biden is too senile to run the country and as for Trump well they are just going to impeach him for real this time.
>>29036no one is impeaching trump keep dreaming. but yeah biden wouldn't last long in office hillary might end up president if he wins
>>29037If the president dies in office, the vice president takes over.
>>29040They'll figure something out to get Hillary in there maybe she'll be Kamala vp
>>29033>Just no, 99% of people make under 400K a year and that's the only people who would have their taxes raised…well if he raises taxes on the rich the rich might lower wages to make up for it which does the same thing to regular people as higher taxes i.e. less money
>>29042> might lower wages to make up for it They're already raising minimum wage to $15 here.
>>29043Wouldn't raising minimum wage mean they can tax more of your income?
>>29044If you happen to enter a new tax bracket.
Which you either won't by going from $10 to $15 an hour, or if you do won't be much different.
>>29044Do you even know how tax brackets work? Even if you're in a higher bracket, you're only taxed at that rate for the dollars you earn above it. Even if you're in a higher bracket, you'll still have more money than if you weren't.
>>29052I was only asking. I don't know how americans or indeed any civilians pay their taxes.
>>29053This is how it works in almost every (civilized) country in the world. Have you really never had to do your taxes at all? ever? Even NEETs in my country still have to do a tax return each year (they pay nothing though, and are usually in fact refunded a bit).
>>29059I'm not a civilian, moron. I pay a certain percentage appropriate to my rank and to the amount of months I'm employed.