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I think white people overlook the fact that it's a two-way street. They think that they're the ones getting lucky, getting their 7/10 chinky waifu for a bargain, but most Asian women who date white men are like white trash. Or snowbunnies.

In most Asian cultures, dating is less sexual. Most Asian people are normal, but some women, especially the Chinese, tend to have this almost superstitious obsession with status, and they identify a caucasian ethnicity with a higher caste. Needless to say, the fact that they associate skin color with affluence is already a sign that they're not very smart.

But, yeah, they fuck white guys because it's an ego thing for these dumb broads. They don't work, they don't know how to manage money, and they don't know how to have friends. You can't rely on them for anything, because they act like cockroaches. Existential zombies. I know a dozen white guys with gooky waifus, and their gooky waifus are all the same: total retards. And these same men entrust their kids to these women to raise.


ok explain why I get harder watching JAV than western porn

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