toss a coin
never played a pokemon game
>>28845I've only played Emerald (The one with May)
Every time I play a Pokémon game out of nostalgia, I get bored really quickly. They're games made for kids, sure, but they're the kind of kids' media that doesn't really respect its audience, because the games are super half-baked. It doesn't help that JRPGs in themselves are tedious, but at least you're building up to something. In Pokémon, there's really nothing to be invested in.
Except the character designs. Those are good, but you don't need to play the game to appreciate them.
>>28916What's so different about them in comparison to other turn-based rpgs?
>>28917nothing they're all ripping off smt
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>>28917There are just jrpgs which are mechanically better. jrpgs aren't necessarily turn-based, by the way.
Also, the writting is awful. I've seen jrpgs that appeal to children which have more compelling narratives/themes. Costume Quest and Undertale, for example.
>>28918This unironically. smt4 was genuinely brilliant. It sucks that p5 was retarded, but I'm still hype for smt5.