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been reading this since '11 or '12
i like how the character has developed, i wonder how long it will go on for, until her hs graduation or maybe her debut at university and getting a gf
he awkward phase was kinda cringe i like social tomoko better


i mean bf


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I read some of the early volumes back in 2012-13.

Last I heard she was a norm now, and some people are upset but some people say "You expected the manga to continue this long without her changing?"


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Tomoko's friends are hotter than her which is a shame


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i wasnt expecting it to continue this long at all, it seemed like a novelty that would end after a couple years and only have a small following


It's my persona preference I guess but I think Tomoko is way hotter.

It's because of 4chan, the mangaka is well aware of her western fanbase and "spaghetti-tan" etc.


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