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>Avahi provides zero-configuration automated network discovery
>Pulseaudio is running a outward facing sound server on top of the Linux soundsystem
>Systemd is a networked init system that automatically resorts to Google DNS

All made by the same guy, a guy that works for a comnapy know to be affiliated with the American National Security Agency, which in turn is physically proven to skirt around laws in order to illegaly monitor law abiding citizens' activites.


use linux and dont use any of these systems


they are installed on every linux


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Avahi is useless and no one has it installed.

Pulseaudio is great, the network enabled server is not enabled by default. See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Examples#PulseAudio_over_network

I also like systemd, as I was actually around to use and remember how things used to be before it. systemd does have a lot of stuff that few people use like systemd-networkd, which might be what you're talking about.

It's in systemd, but almost no one uses it.


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Pulseaudio doesn't do anything. It's literally networked bloat.


no they're not
Exactly what does systemd make easier?
This all sounds like insufferable nerd shit that noone should ever actually care about unless they're getting paid enough to deal with a less convenient but smaller and more scrutable system anyways.
I use void linux and I almost never have to touch init shit. and every time I have had to its been supremely easy.
if you need everything to be just so and integrated in a way only a massive interconnected new subsystem can possibly provide, you just need to stop being so autistic about your computer.


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You can't even play audio from two programs at the same with only ALSA.

You can't even adjust the volume of different applications with only ALSA.

Swapping audio devices and general configuration is extremely difficult with ALSA alone.

You just run pulse and it works. It is one of the single greatest advancements in desktop Linux.

>Exactly what does systemd make easier?
Before systemd, daemons were started by writing big ugly shell scripts, and the init system would run those.

systemd uses service files, which are short, easy, and powerful.

Writing your own systemd service file is very easy, and I've done it.

>if you need everything to be just so and integrated in a way only a massive interconnected new subsystem can possibly provide, you just need to stop being so autistic about your computer.

How am I autistic but the people who go far out of their way to avoid systemd for no good reason aren't?


Daemons on my system are started by short, simple shell scripts.
The service files work because of a gigantic pile of vulnerable error prone code.
I dont see why thats preferable or more convenient than "#!/bin/sh \n exec cupsd" somewhere.


Google DNS is literally better than most other ISP DNS services who can spy or or block you from viewing stuff anyway.


and a point:
the entire point of unix is to do stuff by combining other programs together.
Introducing another arbitrary configuration file with arbitrary syntax is as good a reason as any to avoid systemd over 'run these programs in these order with maybe this condition or something'
I dont want to learn what service files are or how to write them its another tiny waste of my finite capacity to store knowledge that could have been done by shit I already know
and very easily and straightforwardly too, if your init shell scripts are huge and complicated its because their author was a godawful nerd and/or the system running them was making shit harder than it had to be.


>"#!/bin/sh \n exec cupsd"
Yeah you wish this is what a typical one looked like.

They were typically monstrosities.

Service files easily allow you to specify other stuff that needs to be started before it can run (i.e. make sure it doesn't start on boot before the network is up), how it's run (oneshot vs. daemon), what user/group it runs as, if it crashes how often will it retry to run, etc.

The shell scripts used were giant because they were each trying to make features like this in each script.


Yeah I run Google DNS, they also say they automatically delete logs (or any identifying information connected to them like IP address) after a couple weeks and I believe them.


No, that /IS/ what a typical one looks like on my system. I literally cat'd a random runscript.
My system doesnt use sysvinit, it uses runit.
There is not a single run script larger than 4 lines except wpa supplicant(11) and the agetty-tty ones(16, all the same).

all of those problems are either non-issues if you dont do shit stupid(for example, have a program to change what user a command is run as.), or just not problems literally who cares(if it crashes how often will it retry to run,)
I dont know what happens if networked services try to run before the network is up and I dont care because its never caused a problem even once.
I suppose they probably just fail and retry after a moment. Or get a connection when its available. Whatever.


Alright well I've never seen this new runit system. It's even newer than systemd

systemd at this point also has udev built into it (plugging something into USB won't work without this). It also contains logind, which handles permissions necessary for standard desktop use (like being able to mount a USB flashdrive as a user, turn off your computer, pulseaudio basically doesn't work without systemd, etc.).

Other distros work around this by extracting udev from the systemd codebase and creating Eudev, and maintaining ancient consolekit, and hacking around anything that doesn't work with consolekit anymore.

Maybe Void Linux has done this for you and you don't realize just how much hacking has gone into it.

There's a reason every distro switched to systemd. It sucked up 20 packages and turned them into 1, there's bad and good in that. I think it worked out great personally.


ALSA can do everything pulse can do, it just isn't enabled by default


With dmix two programs can play audio at once (yes something this very basic and necessary isn't possible with ALSA alone).

You can't change the volume or mute each program.

Swapping audio devices, or changing the audio device a program plays out of, is not possible while running.

Configuring any of this is extremely difficult and esoteric.

Or you could just run pulseaudio and open pavucontrol.


Oh and good luck doing anything with your microphone


Dmix is a part of Alsa. Dmix is enabled by default for soundcards which do not support hardware mixing.


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Configuring anything Linux is extremely difficult and esoteric. That's why I do all my computing on my iPhone.



>Tue Mar 14, 2006
>All of a sudden a friend signs into MSN
>All that shit for some sort of per-application volume control hack

Oh dear…


Why would you need it anyway? What browser or music player doesn't already have its own volume control?


Because you can open one window and see every program playing sound, then change volume or mute them individually, which is obviously way faster then going to each of them.

Games play sound too, and usually don't have easy audio control.


I hate it when a game has like a stupidly loud cinematic intro or something that isn't balanced against the volume you set it at in-game.


there isn't a game in existence that doesn't have audio control.


You literally just ignored the most important word in that sentence. You're just pretending to be retarded.


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>opening pulseaudio and changing volume levels is way faster thn opening my music player and changing the volume levels


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Volume sliders are too hard for you?


Pardon me, but who the fuck are you quoting?


Runit isnt that new
I have eudev installed but not consolekit
In any case, the point stands that systemd is a god awful program that solves a problem in the stupidest way imaginable.
Stupid runscripts did not necessitate amalgamating a million programs into one monolithic monstrosity that adds yet another arbitrary config syntax and forces everything to hinge on it while presenting a large potential for exploits and/or failures. Runit proves this.

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