>>2858You can't even play audio from two programs at the same with only ALSA.
You can't even adjust the volume of different applications with only ALSA.
Swapping audio devices and general configuration is extremely difficult with ALSA alone.
You just run pulse and it works. It is one of the single greatest advancements in desktop Linux.
>>2861>Exactly what does systemd make easier?Before systemd, daemons were started by writing big ugly shell scripts, and the init system would run those.
systemd uses service files, which are short, easy, and powerful.
Writing your own systemd service file is very easy, and I've done it.
>if you need everything to be just so and integrated in a way only a massive interconnected new subsystem can possibly provide, you just need to stop being so autistic about your computer.How am I autistic but the people who go far out of their way to avoid systemd for no good reason aren't?