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File: 1602551562905.jpg (178.24 KB,507x509,5e665c3ae41e504d755e85bb33….jpg) iqdb


whabmin, my bf told me to send you this coz he knows you like moetron, but i told him you probably already seen it before, but he still wanted you to have it.


File: 1602558362830.png (1.19 MB,1240x1748,__original_drawn_by_band_w….png) iqdb



File: 1602568256738.png (809.21 KB,1749x732,2020-10-13-015025_1749x732….png) iqdb

Yes one of my oldest collection of images is from the original Moetron tripag


how well organized are your images?


File: 1602610032954.png (22.69 KB,1158x439,2020-10-13-132654_1158x439….png) iqdb

There's 38,000 images in these folders, many have nested categories inside them.


Post marie rose 57


why aren't you using hydrus network


File: 1602612933606.png (648.78 KB,1146x717,1601104896920.png) iqdb

I don't have my images numbered like that I just didn't want to keep the original filenames for that screenshot so you don't stalk my old posts.


I like the idea of hydrus, but the implementation is literally the most awful thing ever conceived of. Like, holy shit is calibre-tier bad. The author is clearly not a programmer.


apart from the gui being ugly and confusing, especially at first, what's the issue exactly?

I only started to use it because the thumbnails would take forever to load for me because I can't be bothered not to save all my screencaps into a single folder, searching and thumbnail loading is pretty much instant now

it seems like something who has a huge image collections and is into the whole booru type tag autism would probably like it even more


do you have the comic about the guy eating cheetos with chopsticks?


File: 1602629363174.gif (87.17 KB,720x278,chopstick genuis.gif) iqdb


Post cute doll pics!


No it's not that. My issue mostly comes from implementation. It's been a long time since I've thought about it, but the client is monolithic and buggy. Kind of like the old ed2k clients where you couldn't spawn an a program independent of a client as, say, a daemon. If they were separate, the bugs wouldn't be an issue. It just had that stank you get when you see a program written by a Windows user. Or embedded/mobile operating people. At a high level, they're very adroit, but, for the vast majority, it really does make you kind of nervous, because you don't get the good habits that unix tricks you into developing. It's been so long, though, I think maybe I should investigate the project again and give it a try. I don't have booru autism, but I have enough images that I can definitely appreciate the autism of others, so it was really disappointing when I discovered Hydrus was unusable, back then.


whatmin, can you convert a file to avif?


File: 1602715786324.png (12.86 KB,117x94,1234312617792.png) iqdb

it's too late whabmin, i already got all your old filenames.


filename analyzer, can you convert a file to avif?

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