[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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whatmin why do I get flood detecteed if i post at the exact same time as another nigga


Because vichan codebase is literally a bunch of bubblegum and paperclips.

PHP 8 is coming out soon and it's almost certainly going to fuck up everything.


what's your take on that kissu site


I think that it's running a vichan fork called NPFchan that I probably can't upgrade to while transferring all of /what/'s posts.

I think NPFchan will also be completely fucked by PHP 8

Jelly of otamin's dedicated crusty Debian server that has literally never been updated once.


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kissu is vichan, but I integrated how deletes revert the thread bump and took the archive.
That and a lot of alterations to the way things work behind the scenes and my eventual remake of all the pages.

The main thing that will become fubar when php updates again is the thread pages. Because tinyboard just stuck the templating engine(Twig V1.0 dated in 2012 or something) into the code without any consideration for dependency updates means that you're stuck doing hacky fixes when this breaks. Even NPFChan has some issues with this and last I checked didn't work on current PHP at all.
Mind you it seems like someone upgraded to a newer Twig version on the vichan repo so perhaps it's not dead anymore but the dev is working on a font website instead of imageboards now…


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I like how otamin simply doesn't care I respect that

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