[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1601825730947.jpeg (233.01 KB,750x571,1601811666784.jpeg) iqdb


October 4th 2020


That's my image


File: 1601859501579.png (20.98 KB,533x807,1601523887405.png) iqdb



I posted this image on my ota blog thread and you saved it and posted it here where's my than you bitch


I never saw this on ota


Then gnfos kiss my feet


I took it from 4chan


File: 1601864013849.jpeg (202.74 KB,750x775,8CB5D3ED-1927-43BB-8495-9….jpeg) iqdb

You know how I know you're a lying faggot? Because I screenshotted the image on my iPhone and cropped it myself and it has the exact dimensions and even the same Unix timestamp from when I posted it on Ota.

You stupid idolcel retard fuck. Don't ever use my blog thread images again without thanking me and go back to your incel retard circlejerk.


Then someone posted it on 4chan too then dumbass


Post the thread you got it from idolcel


Yeah that's what I thought. You saved it from my thread don't ever use my blog image again without my permission and a thank you incel


you can clearly see the image name right there…


Are you literally retarded




i created the image and this otateen read my blog thread saVed it and posted it on here he owes me

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