[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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lol whatmin they literally made him a schizo altright incel who uses linux to browse 4chan literally you


and he's using tor


It's default Ubuntu with the dock on the bottom. They added Tor, KeePassXC and Visual Studio Code for some reason. Unironically what did they mean by this? Can any /g/entoomen explain?


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This is the way whatmin will end


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he literally thinks he is a cia glownigger literally /pol/

they even made him a desperate incel too it's like they observed whatmin himself


How will whatnot ever recover from this assblast


This alone makes me not want to switch to linux.


What movie


/what/ movie


hackers (1995)


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A series called The Boys, currently the most streamed show on the planet. It's being shilled everywhere by Amazon.


Yeah I think I'm gonna stay in Windows now lol

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