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>Lain is something you grow out of


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who said that


hidamari sketchi…


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I don't remember where but this one guy made a post like that.

And it always stuck in my head, letting innocent interests of your younger days die as you grow colder and more mature.


Lain has nothing down there she's like a barbie doll


well he's right, lain is for le edgy pretend hacker teens


i never watched lain for the hacker stuff, i just liked the darker tone and the world and the disconnection from reality as a teenager and i probably still would if i were to rewatch it now


also having a young looking high school girl as the main character helps a lot


I think people tend to overlook how well directed Lain was. People don't appreciate that most Japanese art tends to have a disconnect between identity and implementation just because of how studios tend to be organized. By contrast, much of Lain's writing used visuals as an explicit form of expressing nuanced thoughts, so it gave a lot of freedom for the audience to interpret the visual direction in the context of the show's narrative.


Also, I think much of Lain's emphasis on computers lends itself to a much more universal themes of dialectics and ontology. Certainly, you can read much early cyperpunk and sci-fi in terms of Wittgenstein and vice versa. It's not like Lain is drenched in psychobabble. Actually, it's pretty obvious that no one in the production of the show could hold a match to the proto-progriders of yore. For someone to dismiss it as such is to basically confess that they're so immature you can see beyond those basic motifs.


I miss progrider


I don't.


yeah that tone and edge is literally teen bait


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ticks is that you? i used to think you were so cool!!


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