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WinXP SP1 source code was leaked and there's nothing on the internet about it but a couple 4chan threads.



>article from 2002
>"builds leaked" != source code


God damn whatmins is retarded


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It took this long for news articles to appear.

This source code was leaked on 4chan for over 12 hours without a single other article or post ANYWHERE else on the internet but in two 4chan threads.


literally no one cares except linux pedos


The issue with leaks is that you can't touch them. It doesn't matter whether proprietary media is concealed, because the copyright is what ultimately decides how you interact with that media. This can be harmful to a project like Wine, because, if there's snippets in their codebase that coincide with that of this leak, there's now a plausible basis for litigation in terms of copyright.

I feel like pirates struggle to understand the significance. They're brainwashed by the anti-piracy propaganda into thinking that there's any power in how an individual interacts with software, but what matters is the societal context of the software. Sure, that software works on your machine, but just because you circumnavigated that bug doesn't mean your condition's reproducible among all of your peers. This is why piracy is opiate for the masses, to conceal the necessity of copyleft.

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